Sunday, 18 January 2015

January and the NHS

My family have been doing some consumer testing of the NHS, with a new nephew born in Redhill hospital (exciting) and another 999 call for my dad and a night in St Peter's hospital for my mum. We are very committed to ensuring this exacting testing, with Rob's mum checking out A and E in QA, Cosham, with a broken arm after Christmas, and a visit this week to the General in Southampton for H's knee (and the rest of her). 

I have found all this medical related chasing about quite exhausting, and that was without making it to see the new baby!

 Anyhow, I am inspired to write more to you all as I found an old post from 2008, of Hannah's first ever sail, with Rob in the Mirror, Ariel.  Since then, we seem to have acquired and sold more boats than was strictly necessary, mainly due to people giving us old ones they don't want. We currently have just the three, and are hoping to get to sail the new (to us) one this summer. It is called a Buzz. I have no idea whether a Buzz is good or bad, I think it is just old.

As well as doing medical research across Surrey and Hampshire, I have passed my NPQSL this week and also updated my Child Protection Officer training, with an up to date knowledge of FGM and sexual exploitation of children in the UK.

Other things going on: A is taking part in  a Shakespeare project at school and is investigating joining an acting club; she is also learning swing dance at school. R is doing his NPQSL and getting fed up of all the reading you have to do for it. H has almost done her physics homework.

And that is all for now, but now I have found out how to log on to my blog I will try again more often, promise!