Sunday, 20 May 2012

In RVCP cafe there is ice cream for dogs. This is ridiculous full stop, however it gets more incredible. the flavour on offer? Steak? Sausage? Rabbit? No. Banana and carrot. What kind of credibility can a dog muster if it stoops to eating food that is more tastebud tickling for a rabbit than a hound? Shame on you, dogs of the world. Unite against this crushing of your dogginess.

We invited the Whitmores round to watch a film and catch up on Friday, all 6 of them. Paul pointed out, nicely, that he has a bigger TV than us. Come round to our's he said. Fair enough, off we trotted, and very big it was too. However, what he failed to tell us in his 'big TV advert' was that he also owns a puppy that emits smells from its derriere so bad that I can only imagine it has been snacking on carrot ice cream and banana strudel. Despite Ang's galant attempts with the air freshener, the air got so toxic  I had to open the front door and take in lungfuls of air to stay alive. Next time someone tells me their TV is bigger than ours ( not hard as ours is the size of an average ipad) I will ask if their dog is less smelly than our dog, and as we do not have a dog and will not until I die, we will win on dog smell. I am still in nasal counselling about the wretched cat and her pooing habits that got me down. No way am I going to fall for all that cute puppy nonsense.

Today the girls were entered for a triathlon run by their club, Chapel Tri. There was some debate over the type of tyres to be used ( cycling is on grass at children's events) so yesterday Claire and I took the girls over to check it out. After that, we let them have a play at the nearby park, during which A took a fall off a zipwire, and sat with me limp and pathetic with a poorly wrist. I placated her by buying her a bandage, giving her calpol and suggesting she watch a DVD, then we went to the sailing club to meet R. We had a walk, a pub dinner ( food at the Prince Consort is too greasy, but it has a nice atmosphere for a drink) a lovely walk back when we saw a deer, but no crocs. A slept badly, but she does have a lot of nightmares at the moment. This morning she still complained but we jollied her along and got her in her tri kit, off to the tri, numbered, then R said he really thought she was bad and maybe a trip to casualty was a good idea. She did look grey, so we drove off to Winchester, leaving R and H to prepare for the race, R was marshalling. The service at A and E at Winchester was amazing, within an hour and a half we had been pain killered, examined, x rayed and plastered. She has a fine crack across her bone, radius I think, maybe ulna, can never remember which is which. And amazingly, we got back with 5 minutes to spare so we got to watch all of H's race! So, A's debut race will have to wait until next month, when she is entered in the New Forest tri.

A slighly random story we heard last night is that deer from Netley swim across Southampton water to get to the New Forest. Why don't they take the Hythe Ferry? Apparently because of the M27, the area of land between the Itchen and the Hamble rivers is essentially an island from a deer's point of view, and the only way off is by sea. Hmm. Seemed a bit like an April fool. And it is May.

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