Thursday, 28 June 2012

I am clearly not very competitive, so the fact that I did not get an official time for my recent sportive doesn't matter at all. After all, it is not a race, just a timed bike ride. However, just for interest, I looked at the times of all the women who did the same distance as me (100km) and noticed, in passing, that IF I had been given an official chipped time ( I am relying on my Garmin plus an estimated ten minutes, five at each cake stop) I would have got the THIRD fastest time out of the 30 women who did the ride. Only 30 women on that one, which is a lower percentage than normal, maybe the name 'The long one' put women off, as R suggested. Even if I am way out on the cake stoppage time, I would still have been third, unless I had spent ten minutes caking, which I never do, I stop, fill up, go. No standing around chatting and letting the lactic acid pool around my knees. If I did that I would never get going again.

Last night I went swimming for the first time in months. I found it tough but loved it, as usual, and had fifteen minutes with the pool to myself - aah the joys of Bitterne. Must swim at least once a week to stand a hope of sustaining my place in the Team GB triathlon reserves.

Did you know, ( I didn't) that 7% of UK population is educated privately, but 50% of Olympians are privately educated?

I am wondering if the car budget would stretch to a BMW Z4. I think that is the one I saw in the car park at Bitterne Leisure Centre. Clearly someone who had got lost, the BLC clientele don't usually rock up in such elaborate machines.

Today R made an amazing curry when we had nothing to eat. He found a squash and onion and three carrots and made a meal. Now we really have no fruit or veg and a desperate need to shop. We have one banana ( brown) some garlic ( in the fruit bowl - why?) and lots of redcurrants ripening in the garden. That would be a vicar of Dibley style dinner.

At school we were coming up with ideas for re using the Olympic venue, known as the Copper Box. This is part of our study of the legacy of the Olympics. Great ideas included an aquarium, an indoor zoo, a B and Q and a child care centre. Maybe all of the above. The children are fascinated by the Olympics and loads of them want to be Olympians, they have been taking up new sports, practising ones they already do and just generally being really fired up by the whole thing. I am really enjoying teaching them. Wahoo!

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