Monday, 25 February 2013

cakes for orphans

My daughter number 2 is planning a trip to India to see Pastor Sam and his huge family of adopted children in orphanages when she is 12. She is 9 now, and is saving up and fundraising already. To which end, yesterday afternoon was spent shopping and baking, and I find myself now perched at the end of the kitchen table as it is covered in fairy cakes, with icing of varying shades of blue, yellow and green. After writing a proposal and getting agreement from the management, she and her dear friend Beth are selling said cupcakes after school to raise the money for the trip. They have reesearched it and are aiming for £1200, so far I  think they have about £37 - but still have time on their side.

Today was a work day. I tend not to dwell on work here, for fear of libel suits from those high up in the Catholic church, but I will give you a rough idea of the highlights of a normal day as an Assistant Headteacher.
 1. Drive camper van to work and unload enormous boxes.
2. Take whole school worship - its about the Pope who is retiring, I know all about that because I am forever hopeful that I will be considered for the job every time it comes around. We prayed for the Pope who is departing, and also for the people choosing the new one ( please consider me! - I would be just what you need - a new broom).
3. Cover the office for an hour while the staff have a meeting ( this is the first time I have done this and I had back up,  and luckily no tricky questions). During this time, talk maths data and children's progress with my colleague and Assistant Head extraordinaire.
4. Leadership team meeting about various things to do with leading a school, some of which you would not believe if I told you, so I won't.
5. Eat
6. Dress in my pyjamas and pretend to be sleeping in my camper van, answer questions from  60 Year 1 children  about camper van life and let them all have a good poke around in it.
7. Email and admin stuff, including organising a e safety evening and a Easter Egg competition among the more interesting, get out of pyjamas back into normal clothes
8. Lead a team meeting for my KS1 and Early Years teachers including wandering around the school looking at interesting places to learn and talking about what we could do in these interesting places.
9. Sort through a huge pile of books and make a 'throwing away' pile of those books that are older than me.

Just a normal day in the office. Loving it!

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