Friday 2 May 2008

Have won nothing lately, and now find out that the Tories have won control of Southampton City Council, and the Bitterne seat that was up for grabs. Only 20% of the electorate turned out, so shame on you if you are one of the 80% who are responsible for my children no longer being able to enjoy free swimming at The Quays, amongst other things that we enjoyed under a socialist rule. It may seem like a minority interest, but I find in politics one has to look out for oneself. I overhead the hairdresser speaking with the client before me, saying that she wanted weekly rubbish collections and a lower council tax. So I feel quite alright wanting free children's swimming! Single issue politics seems to be the way to go!

Anyhow, I have felt that the NHS has improved of late, with the walk in centres and whenever I need anything done it is done quickly - and I have an NHS dentist. In fact, at the moment they are doing a 'buy one get one free' on operations at the General. I am taking advantage of this offer and going back in a couple of months to have the other half of my thyroid gland taken out. Enjoyed the soup so much last time, am going back for more. I missed out on the cottage pie I had ordered for tea so hope they have kept it warm. If you have need of a frontal lobotomy they will probably do the two for the price of one offer on them. Boob reduction, bit of plastic surgery, I think the offer covers all areas so I advise you to get down there and on the list! And, as it is free at the point of use, the actual felt cost is just that for parking, and frankly, you can get a day rider on the bus so no need to drive there either. As R and I have both been paying plenty of taxes and NI over the years, and R's pay packet seems to show more in contributions than in take home pay, I think we are well entitled to some extra operations here and there, and intend making full use of the facilities offered by the SGH over the next few months. Will order an extra sandwich to take home, and all the pain killers they offer!

I had a chest x ray yesterday, which was not as exciting as it appears in the Topsy and Tim book we have about x rays, in which Tim gets wheeled along in a wheel chair to the special room, and his mum stands behind a screen. My mum was busy looking after the girls, and Ang came with me, but she didn't stand behind a screen, she stayed in the waiting room. And not a wheelchair in sight. It was the first time I have had one, though, so maybe you have to join a silver century club or something before they give you VIP treatment.

I really need to win something other than a free operation and a bonus stay in hospital, so am entering today a competition to win a trip to Spain and a new kitchen makeover.

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