Monday 9 June 2008

Dr Slicer his usual perky self on Friday, slashed my neck ( again!) on our date at the General. It is getting a bit tedious and I hope he shakes himself out of this nasty habit. My recovery is miraculous, I am walking around as normal, popped to the library this morning, and spent the afternoon yesterday sunbathing at the sailing club. I can see that my blog is getting more St Tropez than San Bitterne, with all this sailing taking me to Netley on a regular basis. So my stays at the Southampton General are to earth me in the everyday. Food the usual top notch nosh - in fact, a cheese and onion sandwich that came home with me was demolished today by Josh, so must be good. I found the immediate recovery a lot worse this time, and self scored a 9 on the pain scale and got all the morphine I could eek out of the nurse in recovery. Maybe that is why the food tastes so good? Anyhow, now, I have no complaints, am very comfortable and glad to have Jo staying and doing the school run and the general feeling of not having responsibility for the girls, so I can just get better myself.

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